Choose a plan that works for you
Fast + High Quality Services at affordable charges
- SEO Content Writing ₹0.6 or $0.05 per word
SEO optimised content writing with Free Plagiarism Report, Free from AI generated content - 100% unique
- Keyword Research ₹1999 or $19
Complete online reseach and report will be provided based on your business and keyword you want to rank for. Limit - 4 keywords
- Content Topic Research ₹15 or $0.5 per topic
Our team will provide video or blog topics for content creation so you can improve your SEO, build trust, generate traffic and audience
- website + hosting ₹999 or $20 per month
We will build + host + maintain your website, website will be built using wordpress and hosted on cloud server not shared hosting - which means - FASTER page and better SEO ranking
Complete Content Marketing
Get all the services mentioned above and automate your online brand + marketing ₹15999
₹ 9999 Monthly- SEO content writing (12 articles/month) of 1200-1500 words
- Keyword research + content topic research
- Monthly report on your website SEO, traffic, analytics
- Website hosting + design + maintenance
Contact Us
Click to book a demo so we can provide you an overview how our services can help you build an audience and generate leads using content marketing
GST charges extra, for $ transaction – additional charges or levy will be borne by client